Sunday, July 19, 2015


Law and Order SVU is a well known popular television show on the USA network. In season 14 episode 8 show things took a turn when a private school went up for investigation.

The episode started with an unidentified gentlemen walking in the precinct of SVU detectives hoping to share a letter he had received. 

The man was later identified as  teacher Harold Lassiter. Lassiter was a teacher at Manor Hill

The letter he received came from a past student claiming Lassiter had sexually abused him. The letter was the results of a therapy exercise done by the past student.

The investigation leads detectives into an uncooperative school staff, who deny all claims of sexual abuse against its past students.

Evidence uncovered goes back three decades of abuse according to the alumni of Manor Hill. 
One name that kept popping up was that of a deceased teacher, Benjamin Strepick.

Strepick was forced into early retirement, transferred into another school then fired a month later. One of Manor Hills own board members discovers his own son was abused by Strepick.

In the end the school publicly apologized and offered their services. 

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