Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Getting Fit Recap

After the first step of going to the gym or whatever you may prefer. You must now incorporate this into your daily lifestyle. Working out should not just be a one time thing, it should be a lifestyle change.
There are many benefits to making a change. For one you  may pay just a little more money because instead of going to a fast food restaurant, you will just go to your local grocery store. In today's society no one really has extra money to spend or give away, but physically your body will be able to do so much more.

When you feel good, depression almost goes away. Adults can keep up with their active children, and you can take that hiking trip without missing a beat. Stay active and your life will look so much better.

Getting Fit Preview

Right now someone is procrastinating going for that mile long run ,Someone else is going to battle with themselves over that last piece of chocolate cake.Getting healthy and active shouldn't be a constant battle between yourself and it.

Though many people never know where to start of how to go about executing a plan of health. Your health is one of the most important things in life. Your health contributes to many factors, whether or not you can work, or get out of bed without assistance, or run for that matter.

Many think being healthy only means they have to work out more, but what you eat plays an even bigger factor.

Sunday, July 19, 2015


A man will walk into the precinct of Law and Order SVU detectives with a letter and a confession on his heart. The police office station is busy that night and no one is able to hear what the man has to say.
The man later goes home, has a drink and commits suicide over the letter. This letter opens up the investigation of a private school by the name of Manor Hill.

The schools staff and board members will prove to be uncooperative until evidence is slowly introduced.
 After evidence and confessions become truthful. Things begin to make more sense and the school issues a public apology at an even and offers help to its victims.


Law and Order SVU is a well known popular television show on the USA network. In season 14 episode 8 show things took a turn when a private school went up for investigation.

The episode started with an unidentified gentlemen walking in the precinct of SVU detectives hoping to share a letter he had received. 

The man was later identified as  teacher Harold Lassiter. Lassiter was a teacher at Manor Hill

The letter he received came from a past student claiming Lassiter had sexually abused him. The letter was the results of a therapy exercise done by the past student.

The investigation leads detectives into an uncooperative school staff, who deny all claims of sexual abuse against its past students.

Evidence uncovered goes back three decades of abuse according to the alumni of Manor Hill. 
One name that kept popping up was that of a deceased teacher, Benjamin Strepick.

Strepick was forced into early retirement, transferred into another school then fired a month later. One of Manor Hills own board members discovers his own son was abused by Strepick.

In the end the school publicly apologized and offered their services.